nano-stroke brows
Nanoblading, also known as nano-strokes, is a permanent makeup procedure similar to that of microblading. Both services include using very fine needles and pigment to create the look of natural hair strokes on the brows. Nanoblading uses super sharp and thinner needles than traditional microblading, resulting in finer and sharper hair strokes.
what is the difference between microblading and nanoblading?
There are many differences between the two procedures, one being the method of pigment application. Microblading is created with a sharp handheld tool made up of needles to add pigment to the skin, whereas Nanoblading is typically used with a digital machine to add pigment, allowing for deeper penetration of pigment into the skin. Nano strokes typically last longer, 2-3 years on average. Nanoblading is also a better option for people who tend to have oilier skin or more thin, fragile, and sensitive skin. The nano-stroke method causes less trauma to the skin than microblading.
what to expect at your appointment
The process of Nanoblading is very similar to that of Microblading. Your artist will go over the steps with you by drawing and mapping your ideal brow shape and size. Once you are happy with the outcome, your artist will apply a numbing cream to the brow area to help relieve any discomfort. This takes about 20-30 minutes to set in. Once you are numb, your artist will begin the procedure of the nano-strokes. The whole procedure can take anywhere from 1-2 hours.